You probably already know that each and every aspect of your home will work to either enhance or detract from it. Every detail serves to either make it more beautiful or mar its appearance. While we value our eyes and hands because we are conscious of using them all the time that doesn’t mean that our knees and toes are less important to us just because we actively think of them less. We wouldn’t do so well without our shoulder, would we? In the same way, a home that is beautiful in every way but has a hideous roof of cracked and curling is not something to be admired but because of this one serious shortfall, it becomes a blight on the community.


Cedar Fence with Columns

You can start to see how this same line of thought applies to the type of fence you choose to install and maintain around your home and the single biggest factor in how well it performs its given function will be the Birmingham fence company you contract with to do the job of putting it in.

Of course, purchasing a fence is a rare event. While we may buy clothing to wrap our bodies in many times throughout any given year, we may only buy a new fence to wrap the home we live in two or at the most three times in our entire life. Having little to no experience in these types of purchases means that most of us are at a disadvantage where the knowledge and skills at researching, interviewing, and hiring the right Birmingham fence company are concerned. In fact, I bet that is the reason why you’re here reading this article right now. You want to know more about the fence installation process and you want to know how to weed out the good fence contractors from the bad.

My name is Brian Teets, and my family has been in the fence business for nearly half a century. My father, a war veteran, came back to Michigan and decided that he would use the intangible skills of courage and perseverance to start his own business. Veterans Fence company was born and once my dad put his hand to the plow, he never looked back.

I was brought on at an early age to run the heavy equipment used to dig post holes and haul bags of cement in the summer heat year after year. My father put me through an informal apprenticeship process where he taught me that I needed to put out of my mind the idea that installing fencing was all about putting posts in the ground and stretching some material across it. He welded into my mind that the fence business was really a people business and that no Birmingham fence company could survive in the long run without abiding in the good graces of its customers. It is this knowledge, this basic understanding of the “real business” within my business that allows me to reach out to people and help them express their true desire for what they want their fence to accomplish and then show them what our company can do to make that a reality.

It is true that my company will never be a giant in this industry. While it is possible that one day some young buck will startup a Birmingham fence company that will come up with some slick marketing campaign and sales process and become the “Rock Financial” or “Wallside Windows” of the Metro Detroit fencing business – but it won’t be me. I’ve followed in the footsteps of my father for too long. His old-fashioned business practices have served us well over the past five decades, and while I like to think of myself as having more than a fair share of youth, I will admit that I’m too old to abandon my roots and try to transform Veterans into something that it was never intended to be.

A beautiful fence can enhance the presentation of any Birmingham home.

That isn’t to say that I don’t know that price is an important factor to each and every one of you who’ve chosen to read this far. I right a tight ship in order to keep overhead down and I purposefully keep the communication lines open with local fencing material suppliers. Common-sense methods like this go a long way for a smaller company like mine and it means that I am still able to give you the best quality fence at the best price, you can be sure about that. 

 On the other hand, I don’t run the type of Birmingham fence company that will cut corners, fail to pull permits where required, or hire unreliable workers who fail to show up and get the job done in a timely manner because customers inevitably are dissatisfied with the end result of these devious means of cutting costs. They smile when they see the too-good-to-be-true price on the initial quote but they never call back for other projects nor recommend such companies to their friends and family. The obvious result of running things this way (the right way) is that our prices are not the lowest, but they are the “best” when all things are weighed in the balance.

I encourage you to give me a call at 313-381-8530 and have me out to your place. I love lemonade and if you have a bit of it on hand I’ll sit down with you and yours and listen as long as you can talk while you tell me everything you want to see happen with your new fence. I look forward to showing you the difference that working with a multi-generational family fence company can bring to the table in helping you achieve your goals for wrapping your home in a new, attractive frame that integrates perfectly with the overall style you are looking to achieve for your grounds.

Brian Teets